Faculty and Staff Directory
Joel W Snodgrass, Professor and Department Head, Fish and Wildlife Conservation.

Joel Snodgrass
Professor and
Department Head
Email: joels@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-5573
Office: 100 Cheatham Hall
Professor, Kathleen Alexander

Kathleen Alexander
Email: kathyalx@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-5059
Office: 2103 ILSB
Paul Angermeier, Professor, Fish and Wildlife Conservation

Paul Angermeier
Professor and
Assistant Unit Leader for
VA Cooperative Fish &
Wildlife Research Unit
Email: biota@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-4501
Office: 342 Latham Hall
Leandro Castello, Asst Professor, Fish and Wildlife Conservation.

Leandro Castello
Associate Professor
Email: leandro@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-5046
Office: 442 Latham Hall

Dan Catlin
Associate Professor
Email: dcatlin@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-1692
Office: 134 Cheatham Hall

Willandia Chaves
Assistant Professor
Email: wchaves@vt.edu

Ashley Dayer
Associate Professor
Email: dayer@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-8847
Office: 108 Cheatham Hall

Andrew Dolloff
Professor &
Project Leader for
USFS Southern Research Station Coldwater Fisheries Research Unit
Email: adoll@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-4864
Office: 350 Latham Hall

Luis E. Escobar
Assistant Professor
Email: escobar1@vt.edu
Phone: 540-232-8454
Office: 444 Latham Hall
Lab: 340 Latham Hall

Francesco Ferretti
Assistant Professor
Email: ferretti@vt.edu
Office: 106E Cheatham Hall

Mark Ford
Associate Professor and Unit Lead for
VA Cooperative Fish &
Wildlife Research Unit
Email: wmford@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-5927
Office: 106B Cheatham Hall

James (Jim) Fraser
Email: fraser@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-6064
Office: 106C Cheatham Hall

Emmanuel Frimpong
Email: frimp@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-6880
Office: 156 Cheatham Hall

Carola Haas
Email: cahaas@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-9269
Office: 112 Cheatham Hall

Michael Kevin Hamed
Collegiate Associate Professor
Email: khamed@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-1887
Office: 154 Cheatham Hall

William Hopkins
Professor and Director of
Global Change Center
Email: hopkinsw@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-7292

Elizabeth Hunter
Assistant Professor & Assistant Unit Leader for VA Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Email: ehunter1@vt.edu

Brett Jesmer
Assistant Professor
Email: brettjesmer@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-0492
Office: 148 Cheatham Hall

Yan Jiao
Email: yjiao@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-5749
Office: 110 Cheatham Hall

Jess Jones
Associate Professor and
Restoration Biologist for
USFWS and Co-Director of
Email: jess_jones@fws.gov
Phone: 540-231-2266/8865
Office: 106A Cheatham Hall

Sarah Karpanty
Email: karpanty@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-4586
Office: 150 Cheatham Hall

Marcella Kelly
Professor & Associate Department Head for Graduate Affairs
Email: makelly2@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-1734
Office: 146 Cheatham Hall

Holly Kindsvater
Assistant Professor Email: hkindsvater
Phone: 540-231-1169
Office: 114 Cheatham Hall

Donald Linzey
Instructional Faculty
Email: dlinzey@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-2290
Office: 154 Cheatham Hall

Ronald Meyers
Associate Professor of Practice
Email: rbmeyers@vt.edu
Phone: 540-570-9535
Office: 106 Cheatham Hall

Elizabeth Nyboer
Email: enyboer@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-5919
Office: 106A Cheatham Hall

Jim Parkhurst
Associate Professor
Email: jparkhur@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-9283
Office: 350 Latham Hall
Haldre Rogers

Haldre Rogers
Associate Professor
Email: haldre@vt.edu
Office: 152 Cheatham Hall
Research Scientists

George Brooks
Postdoctoral Associate
Email: boa10gb@vt.edu

Joseph Buckwalter
Research Associate
Email: joebuck@vt.edu
Lab: 339 Latham Hall

Nicholas Caruso
Research Scientist
Email: nmcaruso@vt.edu

Serena Ciparis
Research Scientist
Email: sciparis@vt.edu
Office: 154 Cheatham Hall

Corrine Diggins
Research Scientist
Email: cordie1@vt.edu

Bill Henley
Research Scientist
Email: whenley@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-7241
Office: Mollusk Center

Kelsi Hunt
Research Associate
Email: hunt0382@vt.edu
Office: 134 Cheatham Hall

Kelly Jones
Research Associate
Email: kcjones7@vt.edu
Office: Off Campus, Florida

Shannon Ritter
Research Associate
Email: sjritter@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-4433
Office: 101 Cheatham Hall

Sarah Sweeten
Research Scientist
Email: sweeten@vt.edu
Office: Aquaculture Center

Emily Thorne
Postdoctoral Associate
Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Email: edthorne@vt.edu
Office: 106 Cheatham Hall

Chelsea Weithman
Research Associate
Email: cweithm@vt.edu
Office: 134 Cheatham Hall

Cody Ewers
Natural Resource Spec II Email: ewers@vt.edu
Office: Off Campus, FL

Donald Fraser
Watercraft Operations Manager
Email: drfraser@vt.edu
Office: Boatshed

Lynn Hayes
Sr. Administrative Assistant
Email: lyhayes@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-1975
Office: 101D Cheatham Hall

Beth Jones
Business Manager
Email: ejones06@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-3983
Office: 101 Cheatham Hall

Stephen LaCasse
Administrative Assistant
Virginia Cooperative Fish &
Wildlife Research Unit
Email: slacasse04@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-4934
Office: 101 Cheatham Hall

Kelsey Lester
Administrative Assistant
Email: kdlester@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-6944
Office: 101 Cheatham Hall

Jennifer Phillips
Executive Assistant to the Department Head
Email: jewolfor@vt.edu
Phone: 540-231-5573
Office: 100 Cheatham Hall