Sarah Karpanty
150 Cheatham Hall
B.S., Miami University (1998)
Ph.D., The State University of New York at Stony Brook (2003)
Applied behavioral and population ecology; top-down and bottom-up drivers of population and community dynamics; climate change impacts on wildlife populations; shorebird and waterbird conservation; primate ecology; carnivore ecology; predator-prey interactions; tropical forest restoration; endangered species management
- Principles of Fisheries and Wildlife Management (FiW 2114)
- Vertebrate Population Ecology and Management (FiW 5314)
- Conservation Biology (FiW 4314)
U.S.-Based Projects
- Fire Island Inlet to Moriches Inlet (FIMI) Stabilization Project: Assessing the interactions of red foxes and piping plovers on Fire Island, NY with implications for design of best management practices.
- Harnessing plant biodiversity at Multiple Spatial Scales To Increase Ecosystem Services In Agricultural Systems
- VCR Long Term Ecological Research on Shorebirds and Predators
- Assessing the importance of Cape Cod National Seashore to Staging Endangered Roseate Terns
- Long-term monitoring of red knots and other migratory shorebirds in coastal Virginia
- Assessing deer population size, abundance and density at Assateague Island National Seashore
- Forecasting effects of accelerating sea-level rise on Atlantic Coast piping plovers and identifying responsive conservation strategies
- Piping plover adaptive management at Cape Hatteras National Seashore
- Multiple Factor Analysis of Piping Plover Responses to Hurricane Sandy
International Projects:
- Assessing the responses of the critically endangered golden crowned sifaka to climate change in northern Madagascar.
- An assessment of the ecology and human dimensions of warthogs in Nimule National Park to develop a possible plan for sustainable harvest by local human populations.
- Native tree reforestation and school-based environmental education in Madagascar
*graduate, **undergraduate student, ***post-doc under my direction
- Davis, K.L.*, D.H. Catlin, K.L. Hunt, M.J. Friedrich, S.J. Ritter, J.D. Fraser, and S.M. Karpanty. 2017. Hatch-year piping plover (Charadrius melodus) prospecting and habitat quality influence second-year nest site selection. The Auk. 134(1): 92-103.
- Murphy, A*., Farris, Z.J.*, Karpanty, S., and Kelly, M.J. 2016. Estimating encounter rates and densities of lemur species in Northeastern Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 37: 1-19.
- Hillman, M.*, Karpanty, S.M., Fraser, J.D., and Derose-Wilson, A. 2015. Effects of aircraft and recreation on colonial waterbird nesting behavior. Journal of Wildlife Management. 79(7): 1192-1198.
- Derose-Wilson, A.*, Fraser, J.D., Karpanty, S.M., and Hillman, M.* 2015. Effects of overflights on incubating Wilson’s Plovers behavior and heart rate. Journal of Wildlife Management. 79 (8): 1246-1254.
- Farris Z.J.*, Golden C., Karpanty S., Murphy, A.*, Stauffer D., Andrianjakarivelo V.,Ratelolahy F., Holmes C, and Kelly M.J (2015). Hunting, exotic carnivores, and habitat loss: Anthropogenic effects on a native carnivore community, Madagascar.. PLoS One. 10(9): e0136456. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0136456
- Farris Z.J.*, Karpanty S., Kelly M., Murphy A., Ratelolahy F., and Holmes C. 2015. Patterns of spatial co-occurrence among native and exotic carnivores in Northeastern Madagascar. Animal Conservation. 19(2): 189-198.
- Farris Z.J.*, Gerber B.*, Kelly M.J., Karpanty S., Murphy, F., and Andrianjakarivelo V. 2015. When the carnivores roam: temporal patterns and partitioning among Madagascar’s native and exotic carnivores. Journal of Zoology 296: 45-57.
- Kotschwar Logan, M.*, Gerber, B.D.*, Karpanty, S.M., Justin, S. and Rabenahy, F.N. 2015. Assessing carnivore distribution from local knowledge across a human-dominated landscape in central-southeastern Madagascar. Animal Conservation 18(1): 82-91.
- Gieder, K.*, Karpanty, S.M., Fraser, J.D., Catlin, D.H., Gutierrez, B.T., Plant, N.G., Turecek, A.M., and Thieler, E.R. 2014. A Bayesian network approach to predicting nest presence of the federally-threatened piping plover using barrier island features. Ecological Modelling 276: 38-50.
- Hillman, M.D.*, Karpanty, S.M., Fraser, J.D. 2013. Nest and breeding population abundance of Least Terns: Assessing bias and variation in timing and methods. Journal of Field Ornithology, 84(3): 287-298.