Our Partners

Federal Partners
- Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Established to enhance graduate education in Fish and Wildlife Conservation and to facilitate research between natural resource agencies and universities on topics of mutual concern.
- USFS Southern Research Station Coldwater Fisheries Research Unit
The Stream Biota and Habitat Team is located in Blacksburg Virginia on the campus of Virginia Tech University. The mission of the team is to acquire new knowledge about factors that influence the distribution, abundance, and production of fish and other fauna. The team performs research in the areas of stream habitat and fish ecology, providing land managers with guidelines on how to maintain, recover, or increase the quantity and quality of fish and other native fauna.
- Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Center (FMCC)
The Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Center at Virginia Tech is a cooperative research and propagation facility to restore and recover endangered freshwater mollusks in Virginia and adjacent states.
Virginia Tech Partners
- Conservation Management Institute (CMI)
The Conservation Management Institute is an active partner in the management of natural resources in Virginia, across North America, and around the world. Institute project teams comprised of research faculty, staff, and students engage resource management agencies and organizations to understand their objectives and constraints in order to produce quality solutions through hard work and the application of sound science. Our researchers employ a range of skills, knowledge, and talents with particular strengths in field ecology, geospatial information technology, resource assessment, and logistical support.
- Global Change Center
The Center for Global Change addresses the challenges to the environment and society resulting from global change by providing a framework that encourages, facilitates, and rewards interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach across the intellectual landscape of Virginia Tech.
- Fralin Life Sciences Institute
The Fralin Life Science Institute provides resources to Virginia Tech's life sciences community to support innovative research, education, and outreach.