Lauren Morris
Increasing User Engagement and Experience with Sharkpulse
Lauren Morris and Franscesco Ferretti
Abstract: Citizen science uses non-professional volunteers to generate scientific knowledge and is increasingly used in research initiatives. SharkPulse, a crowdsourcing initiative that mines shark sightings from images shared on social networks and submitted through mobile and web apps, utilizes this approach to gather data to monitor global shark populations.
Through this ongoing project, I aim to increase user engagement with sharkPulse through developing accessible tools and outreach.I have developed an interactive taxonomic shark identification guide in R shinyApp for sharkPulse users to identify sharks from images with increasing efficiency and precision. The guide is based on shark dichotomous identification keys that I am better tailoring to online usage to improve user experience. Another component is the interactive taxonomic tree. It allows experienced users to move through the guide with ease and optimizes the guide for various experience levels. Additionally, I am publicly promoting sharkPulse to boost engagement. I am growing our social media presence by creating and sharing content such as shark sightings, educational graphics, and marine conservation news. I manage our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts to gain a following and further expand public awareness of sharkPulse's initiative. I create species specific posters to unify communities towards a location-specific ecological issue. I adapt these posters to different species and locations, streamlining conservation efforts and promoting sharkPulse. These posters also help gather community support for field expeditions in their area, a crucial aspect of research. With the Virginia Tech Computer Science department, the sharkPulse team is developing a shark validation competition to grow our dataset of shark sightings and increase the number of sharkPulse users. To maximize competition participation, I have organized aquaria specific collaborations that feature sharkPulse in promotional events.