Emmanuel Frimpong

B.Sc., University of Science & Technology, Ghana (1997)
M.S., University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (2001)
M.S. (Statistics), Virginia Tech (2009)
Ph.D., Purdue University (2005)
My research focuses on the ecology and conservation of freshwater fishes, with emphasis on how anthropogenic alterations to habitats and landscapes differentially affect species as a result of differences in their life history traits and the nature of biotic, especially mutualistic interactions. Examples of specific landscape and habitat changes that have been the subject of recent and current research in my lab include agriculture and aquaculture, urban development, introduction of nonnative species, and climate change. A major theme in my research is explaining the determinants of fish distributions, predicting how the distribution of species will respond to anthropogenic changes to their environment, and developing management and conservation solutions. My research extends to sustainable production aquaculture (especially in sub-Saharan Africa) as an alternative to overexploitation of natural fisheries to feed growing and increasingly urban populations in developing countries
- FIW 3514 Fisheries Techniques
- FIW 4614 Fish Ecology
- FIW 5984 Life History and Distribution of Fishes
- FIW 5984 Landscape Ecology and Species Distribution Modeling
- FIW 6984 Linear Modeling and Inference on Ecological Data
2013-2018: Identifying local populations of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus that are adapted to future climate conditions. [Funded by USAID AquaFish Innovation Lab through Oregon State and Purdue University].
2013-2016: Refining stream fish distribution models regionally for a nationally-consistent aquatic gap analysis. [Funded by US Geological Survey, Core Science Analytics and Synthesis, Aquatic Gap Analysis Program].
[#Corresponding author; *grad or **undergrad under my supervision; For article copy, please download PDF from ResearchGate]
- Howeth#, J. G., C. A. Gantz, P. L. Angermeier, E. A. Frimpong, M. H. Hoff, R. P. Keller, N. E. Mandrak, M. P. Marchetti, J. D. Olden, C. M. Romagosa, and D. M. Lodge. In press. Predicting invasiveness of species in trade: climate match, trophic guild, and fecundity influence invasive success of nonnative freshwater fishes. Diversity and Distributions DOI...
- Peoples* B. K., S. P. Floyd*, Jr., and E. A. Frimpong#. 2015. Nesting microhabitat comparison of central stoneroller and bluehead chub: Potential inference for host-switching by nest associates. Journal of Freshwater Ecology DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2015.1091390.
- Peoples* B. K., L. Blanc, and E. A. Frimpong#. 2015. Lotic cyprinid communities can be structured as nest webs and predicted by the stress-gradient hypothesis. Journal of Animal Ecology 84:1666-1677.
- Huang* J., and E. A. Frimpong#. 2015. Using historical atlas data to develop high-resolution distribution models of freshwater fishes. PLOS One 10(6):e0129995.
- Ansah* Y. B., and E. A. Frimpong#. 2015. Using model-based inference to select a predictive growth curve for farmed tilapia. North American Journal of Aquaculture 77(3):281-288.
- Ansah* Y. B., and E. A. Frimpong#. 2015. Impacts of the adoption of BMPs on social welfare: A case study of commercial floating feeds for pond culture of tilapia in Ghana. Cogent Food and Agriculture 1:1048579.
- McManamay#, R. A., and E. A. Frimpong. 2015. Hydrologic filtering of fish life history traits across the US and implications for streamflow alteration. Ecological Applications 25(1):243-263.
- McManamay#, R. A., M. S. Bevelhimer, and E. A. Frimpong. 2015. Associations among hydrologic classifications and fish traits to support environmental flow standards. Ecohydrology 8(3):460-479.
- Ansah*, Y. B., E. A. Frimpong#, and E. M. Hallerman. 2014. Genetically-improved tilapia strains in Africa: potential benefits and negative impacts. Sustainability 6:3697-3721.
- Pritt*, J. J., and E. A. Frimpong#. 2014. The effect of sampling intensity on observed rarity and stream fish community assessment metrics. Ecological Indicators 39:169-178.