Joel Snodgrass
Professor and Department Head
Joel W Snodgrass, Professor and Department Head, Fish and Wildlife Conservation.

Office: 100 Cheatham hall
B.S., Guilford College (1985)
M.S., University of Central Florida (1990)
Ph.D., University of Georgia (1996)
I am an aquatic ecologist interested in the effects of human induced landscape change on the physical and biotic environment of aquatic systems, and the biology and evolution of aquatic organisms. I am particularly interested in fish and amphibians that inhabit streams and freshwater wetlands.
- Price, S. J., J. W. Snodgrass, and M. E. Dorcus. In press. Managing aquatic and semi-aquatic wildlife in urban and suburban environments. In C. Moorman, B. McCleery, and N. Peterson (eds). Urban Wildlife Science: Theory and Practice. Springer, New York.
- Beck, H., J. W.Snodgrass, and P. Thebpanya. 2013. Long-term exclosure of large terrestrial vertebrates: Implications of defaunation for seedling demographics in the Amazon rainforest. Biological Conservation163:115-121.
- Casey, R. E., S. M. Lev, and J. W. Snodgrass. 2013. Stormwater ponds as a source of long-term surface and ground water salinization. Urban Water Journal 10:145-153.
- Brown*, M. G., E. K. Dobbs*, J. W. Snodgrass, and D. R. Ownby. 2012. Ameliorative effects of sodium chloride on acute copper toxicity among gray tree frog (Hyla chrysoscelis) and green frog (Rana clamitans) embryos. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:836-842.
- Dobbs*, E. K., M. G. Brown*, J. W. Snodgrass, and D. R. Ownby. In press. Salt toxicity to treefrogs (Hyla chysoscelis) depends on depth. Herpetologica 68:22-30.
- Van Meter**, R. J., C. M. Swan, J. Leips, and J. W. Snodgrass. 2011. Road Salt Stress Induces Novel Food Web Structure and Interactions. Wetlands 31:843-851.
- Van Meter**, R. J., C. M. Swan and J. W. Snodgrass. 2011. Salinization Alters Ecosystem Structure in Urban Stormwater Detention Ponds. Urban Ecosystems 14:723-726.
- Gallagher**, M. T., J. W. Snodgrass, D. R. Ownby, Adrianne B. Brand**, Ryan E. Casey, and S. M. Lev. 2011. Watershed-scale analysis of pollutant distributions in stormwater management ponds. Urban Ecosystems 14:469-484.
- Rodgers**, D., D., S. Lev, J. Snodgrass, D. Ownby, L. Prince, R. Casey. 2011. Development of an enriched stable isotope tracer technique to estimate the soil Zn pool available to Lumbricus terrestris (L.) across a salinization gradient. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30:607-615.
- Gray*, E. P., S. Nunizata*, J. W. Snodgrass, D. R. Ownby, and J. E. Havel. 2010. Predation on Green Frog (Rana clamitans) eggs by ostracods. Copeia 2010:452-456.
* indicates undergraduate student authors, ** indicates graduate student authors