Dean Stauffer
- Professor and associate department head for Undergraduate Affairs

- B.S., University of Idaho (1975)
- M.S., Iowa State University (1978)
- Ph.D., University of Idaho (1983)
My research interests have centered on wildlife-habitat relationships. I am particularly interested in analyzing the nature of the link between wild animals and their habits. In addition to determining how an animal uses its habitat, I seek to use this information to develop tools that allow the assessment and evaluation of potential impacts resulting from habitat change, from whatever source, may have on the associated animal populations. Most of my research has focused on upland game birds and songbird communities, but I’ve also done some work with deer, small mammals and elephants.
I served as the Associate Dean for Academic Programs in the College of Natural Resources and Environment from 2010 – 2015. After returning to the department, I have focused on teaching and undergraduate research. I am currently working with two undergraduate studies on the effects of prescribed burning on salamanders and small mammals.
- NR 2984 First Semester Experience for Transfer Students (2 credits)
- FIW 4434 Wildlife Habitat Ecology and Management (3 credits)
- FIW 4474 Wildlife Habitat Evaluation (1 credit)
- FIW 5254 Design and Analysis of Field Studies (3 credits)
- Excellence in Teaching Award, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Virginia Tech, 2020-2021
- Honor Alumni Award, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, 2019
- Excellence in Wildlife Education Award, The Wildlife Society, 2017
- Virginia Tech Academy of Teaching Excellence, 2017
- W.E. Wine Teaching Award, Va Tech, 2017
- Outstanding Advisor, College of Natural Resources & Environment, 2016
- Outstanding Publication, Monograph Category, The Wildlife Society, 2008
- Outstanding Faculty Award, College of Natural Resources & Environment, 2003, 2010, 2011
- Certificate of Teaching Excellence 1994
- Outstanding Faculty Award, School of Forestry and Wildlife Resources, 1993
- Thompson, M.M. , B.H. Coe , R.M. Andrews, D.F. Stauffer, D.A. Cristol, D.A. Crossley, and W.A. Hopkins. 2018. Major global changes interact to cause male-biased sex ratios in a reptile with temperature-dependent sex determination. Biological Conservation. 222:64-74.
- Thompson, M. M., B. H. Coe, J. D. Congdon, D. F. Stauffer, and W. A. Hopkins. 2017. Nesting ecology & habitat use of snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) in an area modified by agricultural and industrial activity. Herpetological Conservation Biology 12:292-306.
- Tredick, C. A., D. F. Stauffer, M. J. Kelly, and M. R. Vaughan. 2017. Landscape-level habitat use and movement patterns of black bears in northeastern Arizona. Southwest Naturalist. 62:85-91.
- Farris, Z.J.; Golden, C.D.; Karpanty, S.M.; Murphy, A.J.; Stauffer, D.; Ratelolahy, F.; Andrianjakarivelo, V.; Holmes, C.M. and M.J. Kelly. 2015. Hunting, Exotic Carnivores, and Habitat Loss: Anthropogenic Effects on a Native Carnivore Community, Madagascar. PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136456.
- Stauffer, D. F, Editor. 2011. Ecology of Appalachian Ruffed Grouse. Hancock House, 176pp.
- Davis, M.L.; Kelly, M.J. and D. F. Stauffer. 2011. Carnivore coexistence and habitat use in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve, Belize. Animal Conservation 14:56-65.
- McShea, W. J., W. M. Healy, P. Devers, T. Fearer, F. H. Koch, D.F. Stauffer and J. Waldon. 2007. Forestry Matters: decline of oaks will impact wildlife in hardwood forests. Journal of Wildlife Management. 71:1717-1728.