Our Facilities

Cheatham Hall houses the majority of our faculty, departmental staff, and teaching and laboratory classrooms. Departmental administrative Offices are located on the first floor of Cheatham Hall in rooms 100, 101, and 106. Our primary teaching lab space is located in rooms 133, 133A and 133B.
The college maintains two computer laboratories that are available for classes or on a walk-in basis outside of classes. Room 220 is primarily used as a classroom and houses 30 computers. When a class is not using the lab it is open for both graduate and undergraduate students. Usage requires your PID and password.
The CEARS (Center for Environmental Applications in Remote Sensing) LAB is located in Room 217. The facility is primarily used as a research laboratory and classroom for graduate level classes. The room can be partitioned off to offer space for class and space for walk-in use by faculty, staff, and students.

Latham Hall houses researchers from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College of Natural Resources and Environment, and the College of Science. Latham Hall houses several of our faculty offices and lab space. Other rooms available to FWC affiliates includes: room 103 (walk-in freezer), room 120A (necropsy room), rooms 133 and 135 (environmental chambers), and rooms 311 and 535 (conference/meeting rooms).

The Wild Animal Research Facilities are located at the western edge of campus and provide an area for the storage of boats, vehicles, and field equipment as well as specialized facilities for holding and conducting research with live wild animals. The department maintains a fleet of more than 30 trucks and 15 boats, including several sizes of electro-shocking boats and an electro-shocking barge.
Our new Research Aviary is a unique facility with 16 replicated aviary rooms and is located at our Wild Animal Research Facilities. Each room can house a small flock of songbirds or can house family groups of species. Other features include partial roofing of each room with an outer, mesh-enclosed area so the birds can experience daylight cycles and natural temperature changes, but remain sheltered from extreme weather.
The Conservation Aquaculture Center is an approximately 5,400-sq-ft building designed for the culture and propagation of aquatic organisms. There are a range of tanks and other artificial aquatic habitat available from 10 gallon aquariums to artificial streams and large aquaculture tanks. The open and flexible space of this facility allows set-up of just about any aquaculture configuration or experimental design.
The Mussel Propagation Center is an open, reconfigurable aquaculture facility designed specific for the propagation of North American freshwater mussels. An adjacent pond provides a food source for young mussels and the facility is equipped to house fish that function as hosts for the mussel larvae. An adjacent grow-out facility provides the production capacity to support reintroduction and augmentation programs for endangered species.
The Black Bear Research Facility provide housing and secondary and tertiary containment for adult and juvenile bears. The facility has associated investigator housing and laboratory space designed for physiological investigations.