FWC Committtees

- Willa Chaves
- Ashley Dayer (Chair)
- Mark Ford
- Brogan Holcombe (grad student rep)
- Jim Parkhurst
- Haldre Rogers
- Nathan Thayer (research scientist rep)
- Sarah Karpanty (Chair)
- Holly Kindsvater
- Leandro Castello
- Kevin Hamed
- Brett Jesmer
- Reviews undergraduate curriculum check sheets
- Reviews applications and makes recommendations for awards and scholarship requests
- Policies and substitutions related to undergraduate curricula
- Marcella Kelly (Chair)
- Elizabeth Hunter
- Paul Angermeier
- Luis Escobar
- Yan Jiao
- Approves graduate admission
- Recommends appropriate policies and procedures for graduate studies
- Planning of departmental seminar
- Reviews graduate course offering/needs
- Reviews policies related to graduate curricula and degree requirements
- President: Darby McPhail
- Vice President: Mikayla Call
- Treasurer: Brogan Holcombe
The mission of the Fish and Wildlife Graduate Student Association is to serve the graduate students of the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation by 1) acting as an intermediary between graduate students and faculty/staff, 2) administering computing and desk facilities, and 3) orientating new students and providing them with graduate mentors.
- President: Emma Hultin
- Treasurer: Josh Mottola
- Advisor: Holly Kindsvater
Chapter Mission:To promote the educational, scientific, and technological development and advancement of all branches of fisheries science and practice, including aquatic biology, engineering, economics, fish culture, limnology, oceanography, and technology [learn more].