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Undergraduate Scholarships

FWC Scholarships and Awards

Please note that application deadlines for departmental awards vary annually but are generally around the 10th of January.


  • Dwight Chamberlain Wildlife Fellowship: Established to award students in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation.
  • Class of ’52 Scholarship: Established by Dr. Lewis Lancaster, a 1952 graduate in Forestry and Wildlife, for the purpose of supporting undergraduate studies in the field of fish and wildlife conservation.
  • Richard H. Cross Jr. Scholarship: Established by Mrs. Mary J. Cross in memory of Richard Hunter Cross Jr. and his work in wildlife conservation. Mr. Cross served as the executive director of the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries and was actively involved in fish and wildlife management throughout Virginia.
  • Robert H. Giles, Jr., Scholarship: Established by his family and friends to honor Dr. Robert Giles, Jr., retired professor in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation. Awarded to undergraduate students in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation.
  • Burd S. McGinnes Fellowship: Established in honor of Dr. Burd S McGinnes, who earned his Ph.D. from Virginia Tech in 1958 and became the leader of the federal Wildlife Cooperative Research Unit, where he served and directed graduate students until his retirement in the early 1980s. Burd was instrumental in the education of numerous graduate and undergraduate students during his time in the department.
  • Henry S. Mosby Scholarship: Established to honor Dr. Henry S. Mosby's long career in and dedication to wildlife education. Dr. Mosby was involved with graduate and undergraduate wildlife students from the mid-1940s until the early 1980's. He served as the Wildlife Research Unit Leader and also as the first Department Head when the Fish and Wildlife Department was established in 1972.
  • Martha Pennington Orth Memorial Scholarship: Established by Dr. Donald J. Orth in memory of his wife, Martha. Awarded to students in fisheries and wildlife sciences.
  • Michael B. Wagner Memorial Scholarship: Established in memory of the 1996 graduate from Fisheries and Wildlife by his parents, Barry and Donna Wagner, his family and his many friends. Awarded to students in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation.
  • Kathryn M. Fabrycky Memorial Scholarship: Established by Wolter J. Fabrycky, the John L. Lawrence Professor Emeritus of Industrial and Systems Engineering (1965-95), this scholarship honors the memory of Kathryn M. Fabrycky, the beloved daughter of Wolt and Luba Fabrycky. Kathryn served as an Administrative Assistant in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation from 1989 until her passing on December 30, 2004. During her career, she provided valuable assistance and support to the department for many important wildlife research projects, including a number of studies on black bears. Awarded to juniors or seniors majoring in Fish Conservation or Wildlife Conservation who have demonstrated significant financial need and are in good academic standing.